About OpenFPM
OpenFPM is an open-source C++ framework for parallel particles-only and hybrid particle-mesh codes. OpenFPM is intended as a successor to the discontinued PPM Library 1,2.
Please cite with:
title = {OpenFPM: A scalable open framework for particle and particle-mesh codes on parallel computers},
journal = {Computer Physics Communications},
volume = {241},
pages = {155-177},
year = {2019},
issn = {0010-4655},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2019.03.007},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465519300852},
author = {Pietro Incardona and Antonio Leo and Yaroslav Zaluzhnyi and Rajesh Ramaswamy and Ivo F. Sbalzarini},
Publications OpenFPM: core
- Incardona P, Gupta A, Yaskovets S, Sbalzarini IF, A portable C++ library for memory and compute abstraction on multi-core CPUs and GPUs, Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience 2023
- Singh, A., Incardona, P. & Sbalzarini, I.F., A C++ expression system for partial differential equations enables generic simulations of biological hydrodynamics, The European Physical Journal E, 2021
Publications OpenFPM: applications
- A. Salman et al., Active Freedericksz Transition in Active Nematic Droplets, Physical Review X, 2024
- Zoeller, C. and Adams, N. A. and Adami, S., Beam-shaping in laser-based powder bed fusion of metals: A computational analysis of point-ring intensity profiles, Additive Manufacturing, 2024
- Schulze, Lennart J. and Veettil, Sachin K. T. and Sbalzarini, Ivo F., A high-order fully Lagrangian particle level-set method for dynamic surfaces, Journal of Computational Physics, 2024
- Wimmer A, Panzer H, Zoeller C, Adami A, Adams N A & Zaeh M F, Experimental and numerical investigations of the hot cracking susceptibility during the powder bed fusion of AA 7075 using a laser beam, Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 2023
- A. Singh, P. H. Suhrcke, P. Incardona, I. F. Sbalzarini, A numerical solver for active hydrodynamics in three dimensions and its application to active turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 2023
- Singh, A., Foggia, A., Incardona, P. et al, A Meshfree Collocation Scheme for Surface Differential Operators on Point Clouds, Journal of Scientific Computing, 2023
- C. Zöller, N.A. Adams, S. Adami, Numerical investigation of balling defects in laser-based powder bed fusion of metals with Inconel 718, Additive Manufacturing, 2023
- Geara, S., Martin, S., Adami, S. et al. SPH 3D simulation of jet break-up driven by external vibrations, Cumputational Particle Mechanics, 2023
- Singh, Abhinav and Vagne, Quentin and Julicher, Frank and Sbalzarini, Ivo F, Spontaneous flow instabilities of active polar fluids in three dimensions, Physical Review Research, 2023
- Veettil, Sachin Krishnan Thekke and Zavalani, Gentian and Acosta, Uwe Hernandez and Sbalzarini, Ivo F. and Hecht, Michael, Global Polynomial Level Sets for Numerical Differential Geometry of Smooth Closed Surfaces, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2023
- C. Zöller, N.A. Adams, S. Adami, A partitioned continuous surface stress model for multiphase smoothed particle hydrodynamics, Journal of Computational Physics, 2023
- Maddu Suryanarayana, Cheeseman Bevan L., Sbalzarini Ivo F. and Müller Christian L., Stability selection enables robust learning of differential equations from limited noisy data, Proceedings Of The Royal Society A
- Stoyanovskaya, O.P., Grigoryev, V.V., Suslenkova, A.N., Davydov, M.N., Snytnikov, N.V., Two-Phase Gas and Dust Free Expansion: Three-Dimensional Benchmark Problem for CFD Codes, Fluids 2022
- Nesrine Khouzami, Friedrich Michel, Pietro Incardona, Jeronimo Castrillon, Ivo F. Sbalzarini, Model-based autotuning of discretization methods in numerical simulations of partial differential equations, Journal of Computational Science, 2022
- Wimmer A, Yalvac B, Zoeller C, Hofstaetter F, Adami S, Adams NA, Zaeh MF., Experimental and Numerical Investigations of In Situ Alloying during Powder Bed Fusion of Metals Using a Laser Beam, Metals. 2021
- Picó, J., Vignoni, A., Boada, Y., Stochastic Differential Equations for Practical Simulation of Gene Circuits, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2021
- Gupta, Aryaman and Incardona, Pietro and Aydin, Ata Deniz and Gumhold, Stefan and Gunther, Ulrik and Sbalzarini, Ivo F., An Architecture for Interactive In Situ Visualization and its Transparent Implementation in OpenFPM, ISAV'20 In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization, ACM, 2020
- Daniel R. Weilandt, Vassily Hatzimanikatis, Particle-Based Simulation Reveals Macromolecular Crowding Effects on the Michaelis-Menten Mechanism, Biophysical Journal, 2019
- A. Gupta et al. A Proposed Framework for Interactive Virtual Reality In Situ Visualization of Parallel Numerical Simulations, 2019 IEEE 9th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 2019